Vassilis Valmas (Ph.D.) as a Career consultant is focusing on you, the job-seeker.
On the other side, a recruiter is focusing on the agency or the employer that has hired them.
Vassilis Valmas has a doctorate in professional identity and skills development, an MA in Training Design and an MA in Teaching of Languages and Cultures.
He will analyze your experience and will help you to find a job that is suitable to your profile and to your actual circumstances.
He has 15 years of international experience (UK, France, Belgium, Sweden, Greece, Israel and Palestinian Territories) in private and public sectors.
He worked as an employment adviser and as a recruiter, so he is able to guide you in order you to achieve your targets as soon as possible.
He will listen to you and understand your needs showing empathy.
He will identify skill gaps, transferable skills and will provide you careers advice through an action plan.
Vassilis will help you to make decisions about your education, training, work and life.
He will successfully prepare you as a candidate for job interviews and coach you to maintain your job.
Vassilis is passionate about assisting individuals in maximizing their skills potentials and actively supports the community through voluntary work.